Establishing a web presence for a First Nation’s economic development business
Des Nedhe Group
Communications Strategy / Brand & Design
Des Nedhe Group (DNG) is the economic development arm of English River First Nation, a Dene nation in northern Saskatchewan with an urban business centre near Saskatoon. It cares for a large and diverse portfolio of companies that includes construction, property management, retail and professional services, including Tron and Creative Fire. We had already worked with DNG to establish its logo and brand guidelines. The next step was to develop a comprehensive website that outlined the company’s operations, as well as provided a place for potential partners, suppliers, customers and future talent to learn more about DNG as a group of high-performing companies. It’s also where anyone can learn about DNG’s strong roots and purpose to create prosperity and opportunity for English River. We developed the content strategy and writing, and we created a visual identity that integrated the companies’ strong ties to English River, in addition to building the site.
Design was based on the newly developed Brand Book. Nature images were used to help tie into English River First Nation’s hunting and trapping roots. The colourized treatment of the images was used to give the site a cohesive look and feel.
English River hunters and trappers always went farthest afield to find the best furs, and they want us to do the same from a business perspective. – Sean Willy, CEO

Custom WordPress Theme
Light weight theme that maximizes performance.
Custom Post Types
Tailored for the content to allow for a better user experience within the CMS.
Custom Blocks
Custom WordPress blocks allow for a refined design while avoiding the use of 3rd party plugins. This keeps the site more secure and makes it easier to maintain in the future.